Smart recruitment marketing: Why we back digital ads over Rec Expo stands

Smart recruitment marketing: Why we back digital ads over Rec Expo stands

In the world of recruitment, events like Rec Expo hold undeniable value. They offer a chance to rub shoulders and make connections, drawing in agencies of all shapes and sizes. 

But, there’s a downside. It can cost thousands of pounds for RecTechs and recruitment marketing companies like SourceFlow to exhibit at Expo. We know because we tried it in 2023.

What was this money spent on? For our banners to be visible as attendees walk by… Never again.

We reckon top-notch marketing isn't just about being visible; it's about hitting the bullseye with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

We've got our sights set on a specific crowd – we typically attract recruitment agencies with more than 30 consultants who've invested in a dedicated recruitment marketing team or agency. 

So why the heck did we ditch the glitz of a Rec Expo booth for the digital advert you saw? Surely, there will be SOME ICP prospects attending?! Yes, but we have found the majority of attendees sit outside our ICP.

At SourceFlow, we got together to revise our marketing strategy for Rec Expo 2024. We decided that we will attract more new clients by running a Google advertising campaign than by exhibiting at Rec Expo, and for a fraction of the price. This ad cost just 1.5% of the cost of what we spent exhibiting at the Rec Expo in 2023. And guess what?! You’re sitting here now reading this article!

By flipping the script and going digital, we're able to zero in on our target audience with sniper-like precision, making sure every quid we spend packs a punch. 

If you want to be like us, a smart recruitment marketer. Check out what SourceFlow can do for your agency. Our recruitment websites amplify client lead generation, track candidate origin sources effectively, increase marketing ROI, streamline content management, and boost organic SEO.

Click here to book a demo of SourceFlow.

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